英文寫作,不論是考 TOEFL或是研究論文撰寫時,如果一直「然後然後然後」可是大 NG 囉!想擺脫and, so, but, then 的死板英文,有哪些英文可以用呢?小編今天要教大家順暢連接下一句的英文,也就是「連接副詞」(conjunctive adverbs),快點學起來!
連接副詞用於連貫一個段落或是一篇文章的句子,可以在語氣上連接兩個句子。連接副詞的句型結構公式如下:S + V . 連接副詞 , S + V . 從以上公式可知,連接副詞的目的就是連接兩個獨立的子句,讓你的文章更順暢!
I was sick. Therefore, I went to see a doctor
I was sick; therefore, I went to see a doctor.
I was sick. I, therefore, went to see a doctor.
可以取代 and then 的詞有哪些呢?再看表達「然後」的連接副詞之前,讓我們一起看下面這部影片的詳細解釋!
The weather was nice in the morning. Then, it started to rain in the afternoon.
We plan to have a luncheon to celebrate this event, and take a group picture afterwards.
Daniel moved to Japan when we were in sixth grade. After that, we’ve never seen each other again.
Sam borrowed my bicycle without asking. Furthermore, he got a flat tire, and didn’t even tell me.
Drunk driving is dangerous. Also, it is both immoral and illegal.
Eating well is important for our health. Moreover, it is no doubt the cornerstone of our lives.
Our new director speaks three languages fluently. In addition, he has six years of experience.
Our new house is so close to the city center. Besides, it has four large bedrooms.
I am looking forward to working abroad because the salary is higher. Additionally, I am quite interested in experiencing exotic culture.
再來如果你想先講 A 再講 B,可以利用轉折連接副詞來串連兩個獨立子句,讓文章更順暢!
We wanted to spend the day at the beach; however, it rained so we stayed at home.
You’re my friend. Nonetheless, I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.(我視你為好友。然而,我卻覺得你只是在利用我。)
I was sick yesterday. Nevertheless, I still did all my homework.
Although she lost her legs in a skiing accident, she still managed to enjoy every moment of her life.
Although the weather was bad, we went hiking.
This time she has kept her promises faithfully. Even so, I don’t really trust her.
John was tired after a long day at school. Therefore, he immediately took a nap when he got home.
He has a race tomorrow; thus, he can’t stay out late tonight.
He doesn’t talk much. Hence, he doesn’t have many friends.
In conclusion, if you don’t love him, stop taking advantage of him.
He forgot to lock the door. As a result, everything was stolen.
He watches english video via VoiceTube twice a week. Consequently, his English improves.
(他一週兩天觀看 VoiceTube 的英文影片。結果,他的英文進步了。)
To sum up, eating vegetables is always a good idea.
Working long hours is one way to succeed in business; on the other hand, it also means you have to sacrifice sleeping hours.
I’m all against euthanasia. On the contrary, there may be someone who agrees with you.
Cats often sleep the day away. By contrast, dogs never settle down.
You can learn a lot from VoiceTube. For example, they have English videos with subtitles.
(你可以從 VoiceTube 學到很多。例如,他們的英文影片都有上字幕。)
There are many advantages of exercising. For instance, I am now in a better shape.
There are a lot of advantages of working abroad, such as experiencing various cultures, making new friends, and pushing yourself out of the comfort zone.
文:Coco Hsu
哈囉!這裡是《VoiceTube 看影片學英語》,我們立志營造一個美好的英文學習環境,在這裡,你所學習的不再是語言而是知識的力量! 透過視覺上的影片情節,重複聽取單句,更容易了解單字的發音及用法,還能學習到更道地的生活化語言哦!
哈囉!這裡是《VoiceTube 看影片學英語》,我們立志營造一個美好的英文學習環境,在這裡,你所學習的不再是語言而是知識的力量! 透過視覺上的影片情節,重複聽取單句,更容易了解單字的發音及用法,還能學習到更道地的生活化語言哦!