職場 | 英文學習
同事說他out of place,不是說「空間不夠用」!為何你該關心他?

1.out of place字面意思是不在那個地方,引申為「不合適、不屬於那個地方」,所以I’m out of place there,這句話的意思是「我覺得格格不入」。
2.in place指「事情處在一個地方」,可以是「停滯」,也可以是「就緒」,得視文意而定。
3.in first place是拿第一名,但加了the就不一樣了,意思是「一開始、首先」。
Michael和外國朋友聊天。朋友最近換工作,Michael問他新的工作如何?朋友說I’m a bit out of place there.
out of place? 是沒有空間嗎?新的辦公室很小?其實out of place是一個職場常見的片語。今天來看看幾個place相關的道地用法。
I’m a bit out of place there.
out of place是一個常用片語,place是「地方、場所」、out of是「離開、沒有」,例如:
I hear you are out of the old company.
out of place合起來是「不在那個地方」,引申為「不合適、不屬於那個地方」,來看幾個例子:
The new employee felt a bit out of place in the team and might need some time to adjust.
It seems out of place to discuss this topic at this time; we should wait for a more appropriate moment.
The business had been running in place for several years.
in place指「事情處在一個地方」,一直停在一個地方,可以是「停滯」,也可以指「就緒」,得視文意而定。例如上個例句,我們不會說「業務一直就緒」,running in place是一直在同一處跑,原地踏步、沒有進展。
I need to find a new job - I feel like I'm running in place here.
再來看in place的另一個用法:
All the necessary preparations are in place for the event.
Your suggestion is quite in place.
She came in first place.
place也有名次的意思,第一名叫做in first place,第二名是in second place,或runner up。得第幾名,動詞可以用come、win或finish。
She won first prize in a painting competition.
in the first place
in first place是拿第一名,但加了the就不一樣了,意思是「一開始、首先」,是常見的口語片語,簡單又好用的口語。多看幾個例子,就能朗朗上口:
Why did you decide to study English in the first place?
Why did you agree to meet her in the first place?
Her success was secured by two factors. In the first place, she had the support of managers.
(她的成功有2個原因。 首先,她得到了主管們的支持。)
