職場 | 英文學習

1.預定機票的動詞要用book,booking an international plane ticket是「訂購一張國際機票」。
book a flight ticket 預訂機票
• If you are booking an international plane ticket, you should book as far in advance as possible, especially if your destination is smaller or only has one nearby airport.
Booking an international plane ticket是「訂購一張國際機票」。預定機票的動詞要用book,book當名詞是「書本」的意思,但當動詞時解釋為「預定」。
• Will booked a seat on the evening flight to Los Angeles.
• The hotel / restaurant / theatre is fully booked.
除了用booked,要表達「沒有空位」時,英文也可以用all the rooms/tables/tickets have been taken,代表所有的房間/餐廳座位/票券都已經被訂走了。
• I've booked us two tickets to see “Carmen”.
根據上面的句型,動詞book後方加上「us我們」、「two tickets 2張票」2個受詞,就是使用雙賓動詞的概念,在語法中,賓語指的是受詞,若動詞後方可以接2個受詞,則代表雙賓動詞,相同的概念還有give、buy等動詞。如此一來,這句話換句話說是I've booked two tickets for us to see “Carmen ” .
Book as far in advance as possible解釋為「盡量提早預訂」。In advance是「預先、提早」的介系詞片語,因此book in advance就是「提早預訂」的意思。而as far as possible與in advance搭配,表達提早的時間盡量越早越好。
• If you're going to come, please let me know in advance.
• We arrived at our destination tired and hungry.
• His letter never reached its destination.
若旅遊的目的地是渡假勝地,則可用holiday destination來形容,不過這是英式用法,若要用美式說法,則是vacation destination。
• The Caribbean is a popular holiday destination.
reserve a hotel room 預定飯店房間
• You can also reserve the room by calling the hotel directly. Try to call late evening as mornings and mid-afternoons can be busy for the front desk.
Reserve the room代表「預定房間」。動詞reserve是book的同義詞,名詞變化為reservation,注意要先去掉動詞字尾「-e」才能加上「-ation」名詞字尾。
• I reserved a double room at the Lamb Hotel.
• I reserve Mondays for tidying my desk and answering letters.
名詞用法make a reservation也是「預定」的意思,若要表達多少人的座位則要在後面加上介系詞for與人數。
• I’d like to make a table reservation for two people for nine o'clock.
Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.
1.One reason that the economy of the country is doing so well is that people now have more discretionary funds at their ________.
(A) dispose
(B) disposing
(C) disposal
(D) disposes
2.The forethought and planning ________ at each step of writing a proposal will have a direct impact on the chances of its acceptance.
(A) invest
(B) invested
(C) investor
(D) investing
3.Insofar as the company is liable for ________, the dissatisfied customer will be compensated for any damage.
(A) negligence
(B) slight
(C) disregard
(D) overlook
1. 正解為(C)。語意為「這個國家的經濟之所以這麼好,是因為人們現在擁有更多可支配的基金。」本題要考一個常用的片語at one's disposal「隨手可得」,在題目中的意思就是「手邊擁有可動用的基金」故(C)為正確答案。
2. 正解為(B)。語意為「在撰寫提案的每個步驟中投入的深思熟慮和計畫,將直接影響其被接受的機會。」本題要考分詞片語的用法,句子原本應該是「which was invested at…」,在省略了關代which和被動態的be動詞後,只需要保留過去分詞invested即可,意思是「投入了許多思考和計畫」。故(B)為正確答案。
3. 正解為(A)。語意為「在這間公司對疏忽承擔責任的情況之下,不滿意的客戶將獲得損害賠償。」本題要考慣用語的用法,liable for negligence代表「為過失負責」的概念,故(A)為正確答案。

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