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尾牙抽到大獎,同事大喊Get out of here ! 是叫我滾出去?

過年前公司的尾牙抽獎,Benson抽到大獎,他高興地大喊 “I won the first prize!” 同部門的外籍同事也大聲喊:“Get out of here!”
這到底是怎麼回事?Get out of here難道要他滾出會場嗎?
今天我們來看get out of here一個特別的用法。這個用法本身也許沒有那麼重要,但它可以幫助我們理解英文表達的「情緒」。"Get out of here”是不悅語氣,叫人「滾出去」,是一種強烈的情緒。和我們平常熟悉的用法不同,這裡get out of here是「感嘆詞」,是另一種情緒,像中文我們說「真的假的!」、「不可思議!」先看一例:
You just won the lottery? Get out of here!
Get out of here =天哪,怎麼可能(那麼好運)
Get out of here用在這類的表達上,常是對好消息表達出的驚訝,覺得像是天上掉下來的禮物的那種情緒。多看一個例子,熟悉用法:
Get out of here! We actually finished in first place? 天哪,怎麼可能!我們得到第一名!
Did she really say that? Get out of here! 他真的那樣說嗎?少來了
Get out of here. That's hard to believe. 真的嗎,太難以置信!
Get out of here = get out
“Get out of here”這個感嘆詞,也可以簡化成get out,表示懷疑或者謙遜。
Oh, get out, you can’t mean that! 啊,不不,你不是說真的吧!
Oh, get out, I’m not that good. 啊,哪裡哪裡,我實在不敢當。
Get out of ≠ get outside of
英文的out和outside看起來很像,意思也相近,但get out of和get outside of意思卻完全不同。
Get out of是擺脫、逃避、不做:
If I can get out of going to the meeting tonight, I will. 今晚的會議我要是能不去就不去。
If you get out of a routine, it's very hard to get back into it. 如果你打破了一種常規,就很難再恢復。
Get outside of 是一大口吃掉的意思
The snake got outside of a frog. 蛇吞吃了一隻青蛙。
He got outside of a bowl of chili. 他大口吃了一碗辣椒。