Year of the ___可以用來表達某個生肖年。
猴年是Year of the Monkey,雞年卻不是Year of the Chicken?其他生肖、祝賀語、過年相關物品該怎麼講?千萬別錯過這篇!
生肖的英文是Chinese zodiac sign或是Chinese animal sign ,至於12種動物的名稱如下:
A: What’s the Chinese zodiac/animal sign of 2016?(2016是什麼年?)
B: It’s the year of the Monkey.(是猴年。)
A: What Chinese zodiac/animal sign were you born under?(你屬什麼?)
B: I was born in the year of the Monkey.(我屬猴。)
或是I was born under the sign of the Monkey.
A: What is your Chinese zodiac/animal sign?
B: My Chinese zodiac/animal sign is the Monkey.
或是直接說I’m a Monkey.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Wishing you prosperity and wealth!
Best wishes for the year to come!
May fortune come to you!
May wealth come generously to you!
May everything go as you hope!
May all your wishes come true!
Wishing you longevity and health!
Great fortune and favour!
May you welcome happiness with the spring!
文:Jack Lu
來源:台北美加文教、Sammy 老師、英文吉祥話
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