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近日台灣疫情嚴峻,確診人數急遽上升,使得快篩需求大增,為了確保民眾權益,政府於28日起實施快篩實名制政策,但仍有不少民眾抱怨買不到快篩試劑。今天就讓我們從快篩缺貨的相關報導學英文吧! The opposition KuomintangKMT and several Democratic Progressive PartyDPP mayors on Tuesday urged the government to do more to address the shortage of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests in the wake of the recent surge in domestic cases. (CNA) 反對黨國民黨和許多民進黨的市長週二(426)紛紛督促政府採取更多措施,以因應近期國內病例激增後,產生的新冠肺炎快篩短缺問題。 address應付、處理 當動詞用,重音放在第二音節,而這個單字更常見的意思為「地址」,重音在第一音節。另外,address還可以解釋為「對……演講、致詞」,當名詞時,可搭配動詞give。不論是做動詞或名詞使用,都是用介系詞to,2個都是多益測驗會出現的用法。 The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.(資金問題尚未得到解決。) He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.(他向觀眾說了幾句開場白。) She gave an address to the Royal Academy.(她在皇家藝術院發表了演講。) shortage短缺 來自於形容詞short,加上「-age」變成名詞用法,若缺乏的物品多於1個單字,則通常是用the shortage of N代表某件事物短缺,例如快篩短缺的英文,就是the shortage of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests。描述缺水時,則可簡單寫成water shortage。 There's a shortage of food and shelter in the refugee camps.(難民營裡缺少足夠的食物和住處。) The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.(這個夏天漫長而炎熱,導致嚴重缺水。) in the wake of隨之而來 這個副詞主要表達在某件事情發生後隨之而來的結果,of要接所發生的事情,因此結果要寫在前面,與中文的思考邏輯相反,要特別注意。 Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks.(繼昨天的炸彈襲擊後,機場安檢變得格外嚴格。) surge急遽 本身可做動詞和名詞,英文解釋為a sudden and great increase「突然而劇烈的成長」;介系詞用in,後面接名詞,代表上升的事件。 An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.(突然出現的電壓遽增,導致電腦當機。) The company's profits have surged.(公司的利潤激增。) domestic國內的 多益常見用法如domestic airlines/flights(國內航空公司/航班)。此外,它也有「家庭內的」意思,如domestic chores/duties/arrangements(家務瑣事/家庭責任/家務安排)。 Domestic opinion had turned against the war.(國內輿論已轉而反對戰爭。)。 The government must boost test capacity, outline the schedule for its name-based rationing scheme for tests, and allow the import and sale of a wider range of tests as soon as possible. 政府必定要增加檢測量,定出實名制快篩分配的時間表,並且儘快允許一個更廣泛測試的進口和販賣。 boost test capacity增加檢測量 boost(v)有「增強、改善」的意思,也可用作名詞使用。用作名詞時,增強的對象需加上介系詞to。此外,boost to confidence「增加信心」是英文中很常見的說法。 The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.(劇院設法透過降低票價來增加觀眾數量。) The lowering of interest rates will give a much-needed boost to the economy.(降低利率將為經濟注入急需的推動力。) Passing my driving test was such a boost to my confidence.(通過了駕駛執照考試使我自信心大增。) capacity容量、生產力 要用介系詞of來接容量的數字。此外,這個字也可以形容一個人的「辦事能力、才能」,要表達一個人的能力時,則是接上介系詞for。 The stadium has a seating capacity of 50000. (這個體育場能容納5萬人。) She has a great capacity for hard work.(她特別能吃苦耐勞。) name-based實名制 字面上的意思是根據姓名的,因此可解釋為「實名制」。 ration分配 可用作動詞或名詞,分配的物品要接上介系詞of,要表達分配的量則用to。 During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing, and fuel.(戰爭期間,所有人得到的食物、衣服和燃料都不得超過其配給量。) Do you remember when petrol was rationed to five gallons a week? (你還記得以前每週配給5加侖汽油的時候嗎?) 【多益模擬試題】 1.The teachers’ association has announced that the food and drinks ________ supplied at the annual conference will not be provided this year. (A)usually(B)hugely(C)evenly(D)strictly。 2.All passengers should present their ________ documents at the check-in counter. (A)boarded(B)boarding(C)to board(D)boards。 3.Mayor Williams proudly described the city as a place where the citizens are ________ for their hospitality. (A returned(B)known(C)taken(D)held。 解析: 1.正解(A)。語意為「教師聯合會已經宣佈,今年將不再提供年會上通常會提供的食物和飲料。」形容詞子句supplied at the annual conference中省去了關係代名詞which,意思就是往年通常的作法在今年有所變動,因此usually才是最合理的選擇。故(A)為正確答案。 2.正解(B)。語意為「所有的乘客應該在報到處出示登機文件。」登機證、護照等皆可稱作登機文件,是機場慣用語。故(B)為正確答案。 3.正解(B)。語意為「Williams市長驕傲地將這座城市描述為市民以熱情好客而聞名的地方。」本題要考動詞片語be known for「以……聞名」的說法,故(B)為正確答案。 責任編輯:易佳蓉核稿編輯:李頤欣 ...

