職場 老闆聽完你的要求,說talk to the hand和「跟手說話」無關!結果是好或壞? It seems like I have a hot hand in sales.... 2023.12.19
職場 同事說他out of place,不是說「空間不夠用」!為何你該關心他? It seems out of place to discuss this topic at this... 2023.10.24
職場 實用》Good luck是祝好運,想安慰別人「下次會更好」可以這麼說 exasperation when something bad happens, especially when it seems... 2021.04.19
職場 level best 是最好的程度?on the level 指在同一個水平?都不對! 老闆覺得這事好到不可思議,就問他: “It seems too good to be true.... 2020.07.20
職場 寒流發威》氣溫急凍不要只會說cold...這3個多益常考單字不只天氣,也能形容「股價」 I don’t like the bleak weather in Moscow.... 2018.02.06
職場 禍從口出!想聽起來不強勢...3種用法,改一個字就能說出婉轉的英文 Giving a discount to the client could make them more likely... 2017.03.15
職場 情人節想告白?精選5句英文電影經典台詞,還能學會多益常考單字 that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like... 2017.02.14