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2.相關單字中,virtual為虛擬的、實質的;augmented reality為擴增實境、avatar是虛擬化身、bot則可稱為機器人。
A virtual world: this is, in my opinion, the most important characteristic of a metaverse. You could explore it using a computer, gaming console, mobile, wearable technology or other device, experiencing 3D graphics and sound along the way. The idea is that this makes you feel more present in the metaverse, and presumably less present in the everyday world. (The Conversation)
virtual(adj.)「虛擬的」,這個單字在近年非常夯,主要是形容以電腦技術為核心,創造出逼真的視覺、聽覺、觸覺一體化的虛擬環境,經常出現在多益測驗中。由於科技不斷進步,促使VR(虛擬實境)的技術越發成熟,這個單字的全名就是virtual reality。
Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy.
Their twins are virtually identical.
另一個經常出現的單字,也就是我們所熟知的augmented reality(擴增實境),簡稱AR,augment(v)是「擴增、提升」的意思
He would have to find work to augment his income.
characteristic(n)來自於名詞character「角色、性格」,因為每個人都有屬於自己的性格特色,因此character加上「-istic」變化,就是「特徵、特色」的意思。而characteristic當作形容詞時,解釋為「特有的、典型的」的意思。be characteristic of 要加上介系詞,of的後方加上有特色的對象,前方則是有特色的內容,和中文表達順序正好相反。動詞變化characterize則是在後面「-ize」動詞變化字尾。
Unfortunately, a big nose is a family characteristic.
The creamy richness is characteristic of the cheese from this region.
characterize somebody/something as (something) 「將某件事項的特徵歸類為…」,使用介系詞as加上後方歸類的結論。
In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.
They can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment.
In British law, you are presumed innocent until you are proved guilty.
I presume(that)they‘re not coming, since they haven’t replied to the invitation.
The metaverse is social. There are lots of other people there, represented as avatars. Some of these avatars might be bots, virtual agents and manifestations of artificial intelligence. Metaverse fans and some researchers believe communication may be more natural than with video conferencing because, for example, you can use gaze to show who you are addressing.
You can talk to other avatars with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble.
He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.
She gave an address to the Royal Academy.
The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.
From: Lettore Books Online [order-info@lettorebooks.com]
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1.What does this email confirm?
(A)An order is being processed.
(B)A delivery method has been changed.
(C) An item has been discontinued.
(D)A shipment has been sent.
2.What information are customers asked to have available if they have questions about their orders?
(A)A delivery address
(B)A confirmation number
(C)Shipping details
(D)A credit card number
3.What is NOT listed as a service available through the account link?
(A)Stopping shipment of an item
(B)Returning merchandise
(C)Tracking delivery status
(D) Contacting customer service
1.正解(A)。本題問「這封電郵要確認什麼?」根據電郵的開場白This is to inform you that we are in receipt of your order placed on December 2.(這封電郵是要告知你,我們已經收到你在12/2所下的訂單。)第二段又再次確認Your order confirmation number is YB-145970. (你的訂單確認號碼是YB-145970)證實此封電郵主要是和顧客確認對方的訂單已經在處理中。故(A)為正解。
2.正解(B)。本題問「如果顧客對於訂單有任何問題,他們應該準備什麼資訊?」根據第二段提到Should you have any questions regarding your order, you will be asked to refer to this number.(如果你對於訂單有任何問題,你將需要告知你的(訂單)號碼。)本句使用if you should…的倒裝句,意思為「要是…,如果…」是較為正式的說法,常用於正式信件中。故(B)為正解。
3.正解(B)。本題問「藉由帳戶連結提供的服務不包含下列哪項?」根據第四段的內容提到For your convenience, you can track the status of your order online by visiting your account link at (website). There you can track shipment status, review estimated delivery dates, cancel unshipped items, and contact customer service 24 hours a day.(為方便您查詢,您可拜訪帳戶連結來追蹤你的訂單狀態。您可以追蹤運送狀態、查詢預估運送日、取消還未寄送貨物訂單,並且聯繫24小時客服。)只有Returning merchandise(退回貨物)並未提及。故(B)為正解。
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