職場 「在旁邊」beside要不要加s?4個常用英文單字,加上s意思大不同 字尾有沒有“s”,可不一定是「單、複數」的問題喔!有些單字少了“s”,意思就會差很多。我們一起來看看,你是不是都用對了呢? 1. sometime vs. sometimes sometime adv. 某個時候 想要和好朋友約聚時,可以說: We should get together sometime.(我們應該找個時間聚聚。) 想要約「特定的時間」,則可以說: We should get together sometime next week.(我們下個禮拜應該找個時間聚聚。) sometimes adv. 偶爾、有時候 這個字大家常常用,但卻會忘記 sometimes 後面的“s”喔! Sometimes I like to go to the library to read.(我偶爾喜歡去圖書館讀書。) 2. beside vs. besides beside prep. 在旁邊 Someone is beside you, but I’m the only one who can see him.(有個人在你旁邊,但只有我看得到他。) 再分享一個實用短句:That’s beside the point.(那不重要。)在重點旁邊的東西當然就是指不重要、不相關的事情囉! besides prep. 除……之外 adv.而且 這裡可以分成三個語意來看: 1 in addition to 除了......Besides studying English, what else do you like to do?(除了學英文,你還喜歡做什麼?) 2 an afterthought 事後的想法I can’t talk to you right now. I’m tired. Besides, I’m studying English.(我現在不能和你說話。我很累。而且我在念英文。) 3 except 除了Everyone went to the party, besides me.(每個人都去派對了,只有我沒去。) 還有一個常見短句:beside yourself with griefjoy,猜得出來是什麼意思嗎?來聽聽親切的 Emma 老師解說一遍就知道囉! 3. leave vs. leaves leave v. 離開、留下;n. 放假 這個字大家一定不陌生,如:Please don’t leave until you finish reading this article.(你沒讀完這篇文章前請不要離開!)Don’t leave me here alone!(不要留我一個人在這嘛!) leave 當名詞用時,就是大家最愛的「放假」,如:I wish I were on leave right now.(真希望我現在是放假的狀態)要注意是 on leave, 不是 in leave 喲! leaves n. 放假樹葉 什麼?放假和樹葉?沒錯喔!leaf (樹葉)的複數型就是 leaves,是複數型的不規則變化之一。通常名詞為 f fe 結尾,變成複數時要去 f fe,加上 ves。 loaf (單數)→loaves(複數)wife (單數)→wives (複數)knife (單數)→knives (複數) 小提醒!名詞單複數變化的規則只適用於可數名詞。 4. mean vs. means mean v. 表示……的含意 What do you mean ?(你是什麼意思?)(通常用來表示不同意或是有被惱怒的感覺) means n. 方式、方法 常用片語: by no means,就是不論任何方法,絕對不…….。You are by no means a lazy person.(你絕對不是懶惰的人。) 文:Ali ※本文獲「VoiceTube看影片學英語」授權轉載 ... 2017.06.29
職場 「天氣變暖」說"It's becoming warmer",對方卻以為要談全球暖化,正確說法是..... Michael與不熟的外籍同事搭同一部電梯,為了化解無話可談的尷尬,他想到外國人最喜歡聊天氣,便主動開口說:"It’s becoming warmer."原本只是隨口一句閒聊,沒想到對方開始一本正經,大談全球暖化問題。但其實,問題出在Michael這一方。 It's becoming warmer.(地球正在暖化中。) It's getting warmer.(天氣開始變暖了。) 說明:become雖是「變得、變成」之意,但講"it’s becoming warmer"會有「經年累月一直在變暖」的意味,容易讓人誤以為在討論全球暖化。 表示天氣變冷或變暖的「變」,慣用動詞是get 例:It's getting warmer. Shall we go for a swim sometime?(天氣開始變暖了,我們哪天去游泳好嗎?) I moved to this city for the better weather.(我搬到這個城市,因為這幾天天氣較好。) I moved to this city for the better climate.(我搬到這個城市,因為這地方氣候較好。) 說明:weather指的是某個時間點或短時間的天氣現象,包括氣溫、風速、雲雨量、氣壓等,climate才是指長期的氣候特徵。 大概只有以房車為家的人才會因為幾天的好天氣而搬遷吧! 例:I could not stand the terrible climate of Chicago any more. I plan to move to San Diego next month.(我再也受不了芝加哥糟糕的氣候了,我計畫下個月搬去聖地牙哥。) Let's see how the wind is blowing.(我們看看整個局勢如何發展。) Let's see how the wind is influencing us.(我們看看風勢如何造成影響。) 說明:how the wind is blowing字面意思是「風如何吹」,後引申表示「大勢所趨」,因此若這麼展開話題,完全不是聊天氣,而且氣氛恐怕輕鬆不起來。 例:The weather forecaster said there’s a typhoon moving toward Taiwan.Let’s see how it will influence us.(氣象預報員說有颱風朝台灣而來,我們看看風勢如何造成影響。) 三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http:goo.gl5eIOmf ... 2017.01.04
職場 讚同他人只會說"Good"或說"I can't agree with you any more"?換成這4種說法,聽起來更到位 「為什麼我的提案總是無疾而終?」、「碰到英文面試,我就知道自己沒機會了。」學生說,每次都到這時才扼腕,學了十年的英文,卻無法說上十分鐘自己的觀點。其實,不是你英文不夠好,而是沒人教你用英文說出影響力,想要說服別人: 1.首先得先退一步緩和氣氛,解釋原因2.爭取認同感,以柔克剛3.提出有力證據或建議 現在,就讓我們來看看,如何用英文聊出影響力,說出感召力。 1.先說「為什麼」:To inspire people to take actions, always start with why instead of what. Before telling people your idea, give people a reason to listen to your idea.(要讓人行動,先講原因,不要直接介紹內容。開始講你的想法之前,先給人聽的理由。) 表達原因的方式: So(因此、所以) Due to/Owing to(由於.....) Because/Because of (因為.....) Therefore.....(因此) 例:People now are expecting a faster user experience. So we introduce our latest model that comes with 16GB of RAM.(人們現在都期望操作上能有更快速表現。所以我們最新的型號搭載了 16gb 的 RAM。) 例:There's a lot of traffic today due to the upcoming holiday.(因為即將到來的假期,所以今天交通很繁忙。) 例:Our company’s profits have increased 150% in the past year. Therefore, we’re going to invest in new equipment and training programs.(我們公司去年的獲利增加了150%,所以我們將會投資一些新設備跟教育訓練的課程) 2.爭取認同,建立共識:Show how you share the same values or experiences. Don’t just talk about what the product can, talk about how that translates into a better experience for the user.(展現你與對方有同樣的價值觀或經歷。不要只談產品的功能,談談這個產品將如何創造更好的使用者經驗。) 因此我們可以用下列幾種開場白: As we all know that......(我們都知道) It’s pretty clear that......(很顯然地) I believe we're all agreed that......(我相信大家都認同) I know we’ve all had some problems with....(我知道我們跟…有些問題) 例:I believe we're all agreed that this company is our best bet in South Asia.(我相信我們都同意該公司是我們在南亞最好的選擇。) 例:It’s pretty clear that XYZ company has the most market share in smartphones.(XYZ公司很顯然在智慧手機市場裡,擁有最高的市佔率。) 3.態度要熱情真誠:Always wear passion on your sleeve. It's like a magnet. We're naturally drawn to those who radiate with passion.(熱情像磁鐵,我們天生就被散發熱情的人吸引。) wear passionheart on sleeve 表露熱情/情感 讚同他人想法時只說Good、That’s true是不夠的,何不試著用下面的方式來表達你們是站在同一陣線的: Fabulous!(很讚!) That's a good idea./That’s not a bad idea.(這想法很好/這想法不賴) It might work!(這會有效!) I completely agree.(我完全同意) 4.激發他人想法:Encourage people to talk about themselves. And say what makes them tick and appeals to their interests.(鼓勵人談論他們自己。講話要讓人有動機做事。) what makes people tick(激發人們的原因) 徵詢對方意見: What do you suggest?(你會怎麼建議?) What are your thoughts?(你想法是什麼?) Do you think this will work?(你覺得這個會有成效嗎?) 5.客氣提出建議:Avoid giving orders; ask questions instead. Replace "You" and "I" with "Let's." Or try to propose ideas hypothetically. Give suggestions rather than orders.(避免建議像命令,可以用發問的方式。用「我們」取代「你」、「我」。也可以提出假設的想法討論。) 想讓別人心悅誠服聽你的話,雄辯或是發號施令絕對不管用,我們可以嘗試著用建議或提問的方式,幫別人保留面子,也贏得他們的尊重。 所以有求於對方或要麻煩他人時,我們可以用下列的方式來做開場: I think we should do.....(我覺得我們應該....) What if we.....(如果我們.....) Let's try.....(我們試試.....) Do you think.....(你認為.....) 例:Do you think you could email me details of your products by this afternoon?(你認為你今天下午前可以你們產品的規格寄給我嗎?) 例:What if we consider another venue for the launch?(如果我們考慮其他發表會的場地呢?) ... 2016.10.26
職場 在埃及,店門口沒放垃圾桶會罰台幣1萬》老外驚訝:為什麼台灣垃圾桶這麼少? 一直都有很多外國朋友跟我們說在台北逛街的時候,垃圾桶非常難找,常常都要把垃圾放在口袋......你覺得在台灣找垃圾桶方便嗎?一起來看這些老外怎麼說吧!(聽說台北市是為了要實施垃圾不落地, 所以才沒有設置很多垃圾桶?) 在台灣,我最大的問題是找不到公共垃圾桶In Taiwan, my biggest problem is I can’t seem to find public trash cans. 所以我把我的垃圾放在我的口袋裡面So I always put my trash in my pockets. 我覺得我真可憐I feel so pitiful. 1.波蘭 It’s a little bit difficult to find a trash bin in Taiwan.在台灣找垃圾桶有點困難 But usually when I buy something and it has a plastic bag. I just put it inside of my bag and then I come back to my dorm.但通常買東西拿到的塑膠袋,我就用來裝我的垃圾,等我回到宿舍以後 I put all the trash I’ve gathered to a bin.我再把收集一天的垃圾丟掉 2.義大利 Not so difficult I guess.我覺得找垃圾不難 Last two days I’ve been with a friend of mine.這兩天我都跟我朋友在一起 He’s a Taiwanese, so he was leading me basically so I didn’t really need to think about where is the bin or anything.他是台灣人,所以有他的帶領,我跟本不需要擔心去哪裡找垃圾桶 3.美國 我第一天來台灣我就有很多垃圾,但是我找不到什麼垃圾桶First day when I came to Taiwan, I had a lot of trash but I couldn’t find any trash bin. 雖然這邊沒有很多垃圾桶,但你看地上沒有很多垃圾,環境還比較乾淨Although I don’t see many trash bins, butnot a lot of trash on the street the overall environment is pretty clean. 4.阿根廷 Much easier than Southeast Asia or Japan.(台灣)比東南亞或日本好找多了 All day, you carry trash can with you.你在那邊要整天自備垃圾桶 5.埃及 (埃及)政府讓每個老闆店裡前面必須放垃圾桶Egyptian government demands every shop owner to put trash bins in front of their shops. 萬一他不放在他的商店前面If the owner doesn’t do so. 他必須付錢(罰款),差不多一萬塊(台幣)The owner has to be fined(10,000 NTD) 6.美國-2 Yeah I mean it can be pretty difficult if you are just walking on the street or whatever, but a lot of subway stations will have them.我想如果你只是在路上散步,那有時候真的有點難找,但捷運站裡都有垃圾桶 So it’s kind of about knowing where to look, and if you are really in a trouble need a trash can, you can always just hop into a 7-11 and push that on them.主要是你要知道去哪裡找垃圾桶,如果真的找不到,可以學我去7-11請店員幫我處理 7.美國-3 I’ve just come from Vietnam and finding a garbage bin there is very very difficult, almost...impossible.我剛從越南過來,在那邊要找到垃圾桶超級無敵困難 Where as here, I’ve been able to locate them with relative ease. Not always.跟這裡比,台灣比較好找到(但不是每次都成功) 8.德國 Most time l end up taking the trash putting in my backpack.大部份的時間我把垃圾都先放在我書包 Pretty hard to find trash cans in Taipei, but in Singapore is even worse.在台北有點難找垃圾桶,但在新加坡更難找 Like I think I carry around trash with me for like half an hour it’s like they don’t have trash cans anywhere.我把垃圾帶在身上至少半小時,感覺他們好像路上沒放垃圾桶 ※本文獲「不要鬧工作室」授權轉載 {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2016.10.20
職場 台灣租屋超幸福!一個韓國人:台灣房租押金只要2個月,我們要房租的10倍 編按:相信不少台灣人都有在外面租屋的經驗,大家可能也都有自己習慣的找房管道,隨著來台工作唸書的外國人數不斷增加,這些外國朋友在台灣找房子容易嗎?「不要鬧工作室」今天來幫你們找答案!(591租屋網沒有贊助) 1.德國 我覺得在台灣找房子其實蠻方便I think it’s pretty convenient to find a place to live in Taiwan. 因為我上次找房子就是用591的網頁Last time I use 591.com to find my apartment. (但如果你不會講中文怎麼辦?)And what if you don’t sapeak Chinese? 如果你不會講中文,那就會有問題If you don’t speak Chinese, well you have a problem. 2.斯洛伐克 我覺得五九么有很多非常好用的功能I think 591, the site has some useful functions. 比如說你可以看地圖去選房子,這個真的非常方便Like they pinpoint the location of the apartment on Google Maps. 但我覺得五九么有很多缺點However, I think 591 is not perfect either. 像是在網路上看它的照片,其實實際的狀況非常不一樣For example, some pictures don’t accurately describe the actual housings. 讓我蠻困擾的一點就是台北的價錢非常高Another thing that bothers me is that the rent is very expensive in Taipei. 如果你要租一個比較好看且比較大的房間,都是一萬五千以上If you want to find a nicer and bigger room, it will be more than 15,000 NTD. 我有一次去高雄,車站附近的一個房間只要四千五百塊I rented a room in Kaohsiung, a studio room near the main main station 4,500 NTD. 3.英屬維京群島 Finding an apartment in Taipei using 591 definitely a bit harder than it should be.在台北用五九么找房子的確不是很簡單 Pictures not accurately describing the apartment sometimes and when you call the number it can be difficult if you don’t understand Chinese.有時候照片跟實景不一樣,然後如果不會中文的話,跟有些房東講電話也不通 4.波蘭 So I have just started searching for my new apartment studio.我最近剛開始找新的公寓或套房 And I have so many troubles with that because of the pictures.但我對很多屋主拍的照片有意見 They sometimes show small part of the wardrobe next to it small part in the corner of the TV.照片都拍不到我想看的地方(沒有重點) Another thing is that the places are being rented very fast so you also have to be very quick when it comes to contacting the landlords.另一點是好房很快就會被租出去,所以必須要很快就得跟房東聯絡上 And it’s kind of hard for a person who doesn’t really speak Chinese very well.對於中文沒有說的很好的外國人來講,真的很困難 Because first I have to find a friend who will just give me a hand and then go with me to talk to the landlord.因為我還得先找到願意陪我去跟房東溝通的朋友才行 5.韓國 其實我覺得在台灣找房子蠻簡單的I think it’s quite easy to find a place to live in Taiwan. 因為我找房子的時候直接用五九一的APPBecause I just use the 591 app to do it. 那個APP裡面有的內容是蠻詳細的They have almost every info I am looking for in that app. 在韓國找房子的話我常常被騙過,那個照片跟實物就是有點不一樣If I am trying to find a place in Korea, some pictures on the website don’tlook like the actual housings. 韓國找房子的話,大概押金是一個月房租的10倍In Korea, the deposit of renting a place is usually 10 months of rent. 可是台灣的話只要兩個月就好了!But in Taiwan is usually 2 months of rent. ※本文獲「不要鬧工作室」授權轉載 {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2016.09.08
職場 老外眼中的台灣星巴克:店裡都是高中生、找不到座位、又貴...我幹嘛去? 編按:星巴克是個全球知名的咖啡連鎖店,這次讓不要鬧工作室來帶大家聽聽各國朋友對自己國家的星巴克有什麼看法吧!(*咖啡由「不要鬧工作室」自己買) 1.美國 I say that Starbucks in Taiwan, versus Starbucks in America. Hard to notice any differences at all.我覺得台灣跟美國的星巴克基本上一樣,看不出差別 Both places I really don’t go often but if I’m out about and really want a cup of coffee. Maybe I’ll consider it.兩國的星巴克我都不常去,但如果真的沒得選,我才會考慮 2.韓國 In Korea we have more smoothie menus在韓國的星巴克,冰沙種類比較多 Koreans really like to put more chocolate chips on their drinks.韓國人很喜歡在他們飲料上加巧克力薄片 The most popular drink is Americano.我們最受歡迎的是「美式咖啡」 In Taiwan is 70 NTD, in Korea is 120 NTD.台灣一杯美式約70塊,韓國要120塊台幣 3.捷克 One good thing about Starbucks is that it’s a global brand.星巴克的一個好處就是它是全球性品牌 Therefore, it’s good for foreigners, because they know what to expect when they go there, and it’s everywhere the same.所以這對剛來的外國人有幫助,因為我們知道它的飲料大概都是什麼味道 The regular coffee in Czech Republic, costs around 60 NTD.一般咖啡在捷克大概60塊台幣一杯 And it’s double the price.去星巴克就會貴上一倍 4.拉脫維亞 So we don’t really have Starbucks in Latvia, so when I came to Taiwan that was my first time trying it.印象中拉脫維亞沒有星巴克,所以我第一次去星巴克是在台灣 I basically go there just to study.我基本上都去那邊唸書 I agree that it’s a little bit overpriced. But I think basically you pay for the study place.我承認星巴克不太便宜,但其實你就是在付那個環境錢 There’s a lot of coffee places here in Taiwan.台灣有很多賣咖啡的地方 But most of the places I go, they don’t have a charging place for your phone or wifi.但我去過的大部份咖啡店,沒有充電的地方和wifi Most of the people go to Starbucks cuz there’s wifi and you can charge your phone, you can charge your computer.大多數的人去星巴克可能還是因為不但有免費wifi,還可以充手機和筆電 5.香港 We don’t really have a ton of coffee places in Hong Kong.在香港可以喝到咖啡的地方其實不是很多 So when we want to get some coffee, we would go to Starbucks and order matcha frappuccino.所以香港人想喝一杯咖啡的時候,我們就會去星巴克點上一杯抹茶星冰樂 6.斯洛伐克 Well, for me personally it makes no sense to go to Starbucks to drink coffee because there are so many better places like Louisa coffee.我不會去星巴克買咖啡,因為台灣有太多其他的咖啡店,比如路易莎咖啡 And you can choose from many kinds of coffee beans. In Starbucks, if I want espresso, they only have one kind and it’s double-priced.你在別家還可以選不同的咖啡豆,去星巴克要點濃縮咖啡好像只有一種可選、還很貴 So why would I go there?所以我幹嘛去? Like for example, today’s morning I went to Family Mart.比如今天早上我才去全家去買咖啡 And it only cost me 35 NTD, it tasted almost the same.只花了我35塊台幣,喝起來味道都差不多 The only reason why I would actually consider going to Starbucks is because it looks nice inside and they play nice music.我唯一會考慮進去星巴克的原因,會是他們裡面裝潢很漂亮、音樂也好聽 But on the other hand, mostly if I go inside it’s full of high school kids so I can’t even find a place to sit.但我每次想進去坐的時候,裡面都是高中生,連坐的位子也找不到 ※本文獲「不要鬧工作室」授權轉載 {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2016.08.25
職場 3個老外眼中的台灣麥當勞》一個老美:「最好吃」跟「最難吃」的食物是... 很多人都覺得吃麥當勞一定會變胖,你們覺得呢?而世界各國的麥當勞,跟台灣又有什麼不一樣的地方呢?「不要鬧工作室」邀請三位老外,分享他們眼中台灣麥當勞和各國的差異點。 1.美國 I eat at McDonald’s at least once a day, sometimes twice a day, 7 days a week.我一天至少吃一次麥當勞,有時候兩次、一星期吃七天 I’m not fat!但我不胖 It’s all about just keeping a healthy life style I think, you know? Working out.主要關鍵我想還是要常常運動 It’s not about the food. McDonald’s...it’s good!不是食物的問題,麥當勞好吃 2.俄羅斯 There are not so many McDonald’s in Russia.俄羅斯沒有很多麥當勞 A huge different is that the price is much cheaper here in Taiwan.最大差異就是台灣麥當勞比俄羅斯的便宜很多 In general, the taste is absoulutely the same.基本上兩國麥當勞味道都一樣 3.韓國 我第一次來到台灣吃到幾條薯條After I had my first McDonald’s french fries experience. 唉呀~吃得津津有味It was fabulous! 突然覺得:「喔!就是美食啊~」“I’m lovin’ it.” 「好吃!就是好吃!」“Delicious!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (美國) Actually I’ve eaten McDonald’s all over the world.我吃遍很多國家的麥當勞 And Taiwan by far has the best McDonald’s. I don’t even eat McDonald’s in America, very rarely. Only eat the breakfast sometimes,台灣的麥當勞真的超讚!我在美國都不太吃,偶爾吃他們的早餐 but in Taiwan...Everyday!但在台灣每天吃 So McDonald’s in America is actually a lot different than McDonald’s in Taiwan.美國跟台灣的麥當勞差很多 In America, the sizes are a lot bigger, the portion, the hamburgers and the fries are a lot bigger在美國份量比較大,漢堡薯條都比台灣大和多 and the price is also a lot more expensive. Taiwan’s McDonald’s is pretty cheap, it’s a pretty good deal.美國麥當勞也比較貴!台灣的算是蠻便宜的了 I’ll eat everything on the McDonald’s menu expect one thing…麥當勞所有東西我都吃!除了一樣...... ”the Mc fish!”就是「麥香魚」 Worst thing that ever happened to McDonald’s right there.麥當勞最失敗的商品就是麥香魚 But Taiwan’s McDonald’s is really good like the meat here is way better than the States, the french fries are amazing.台灣麥當勞用的肉比美國好吃、薯條也比較好吃 The best however is this bad boy但是最強大的是這個 “The apple pie!”「蘋果派」 In a America it’s not near as good, I don’t know why. But here “IT”S AMAZING!”美國蘋果派沒有台灣的好吃,台灣的超好吃! Everyday, one at least. One apple pie a day, keeps the doctor away.一天最少吃一個,「一天一蘋果派,醫生遠離我」 Why do I eat at McDonald’s everyday?我為什麼每天都吃麥當勞? Number 1 cuz it’s cheap I mean, $89 bucks for a meal, it’s pretty cheap.第一是因為很便宜!他們有89超值全餐,很划算 2 it’s convenient, everywhere in Taiwan has McDonald’s.第二就是很方便!台灣到處都有麥當勞 3, they won’t disappoint you. I mean it’s the same everywhere you go.第三是不會有落差,因為味道全部都一樣 {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2016.05.27
職場 台灣人好心過頭了?老外:修車行老闆的一番話,讓我發現... 1.日本 我覺得台灣人很友善很好I think it’s good that Taiwanese are friendly. 因為我會比較相信他們Because I feel like I can trust them more. 2.美國 The fact that Taiwanese people are so warm and welcoming to foreigners and outsiders is greatly beneficial台灣人對外國人和外來者很友善是非常有幫助的事情 because it not only helps people come to this country and explore, get to learn about Taiwanese culture.這樣的特性會讓人想來這個國家探索和了解你們的文化 It also helps Taiwanese people to open their minds to, meeting different cultures that come to visit Taiwan.也可以幫助台灣人去認識更多來自不同國家和文化的朋友 3.加拿大 我覺得台灣人很友善很好I think it’s really good that Taiwanese people are nice and friendly. 他們會主動幫我租房子、辦手機They offer to help me to find an apartment and get a phone. 還有最重要的瑜珈會員卡Most important of all, they got me my yoga membership card. 所以,謝謝你們So, thank you very much. 4.日本-2 很友善是很好的Being friendly is good. 因為這樣就讓我們日本人,更想要來台灣It makes Japanese people want to visit Taiwan even more. 因為我們日本人很重視有禮貌Because Japanese people care about manners. 逛街的時候碰到一些台灣人,然後他們對我們很有禮貌,而且很親切We sometimes meet Taiwanese people while shopping, and they’re so kind to us. 我們真的很喜歡這種感覺We truly enjoy this kind of feeling. 但是有些台灣的小販Some Taiwanese vendors, 他們東西會賣的比較貴是因為我們不會說中文They will jack up the price if we don’t know any Chinese. 可是...我會中文喔!But...I do know Chinese! 5.薩爾瓦多 我覺得你們台灣人那麼友善是很好的I think it’s great that Taiwanese are friendly. 因為你們會讓每個來台灣的外國人,都知道你們又客氣又大方Because most foreigners will remember how generous and nice you guys are. 所以他們回去他們自己的國家,他們每次會想到台灣,也會想到台灣的人So if after they go back, it’s hard to forget about how nice you guys are. 但是有一次我要修機車,老闆跟我說But one time when I took my scooter to the shop, the owner told me, 他有一次幫外國人修機車,修好後外國人說:「我現在沒錢,要去拿錢再回來」He was fixing a foreigner’s scooter before, and the guy said he didn’t have money so he had to go to the ATM real quick. (結果)......他沒有回來He didn’t come back. 6.伊拉克 因為每個地方有好人也有壞人Because there are good people and bad people everywhere 不要想(以為)每個外國人(都)是好的Don’t assume all foreigners are good people. 有一些外國人是壞的,所以你們不要被利用Some foreigners are not good, just don’t let them take advantages of you. {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2016.03.11
職場 講英文發音重不重要?老美:我們會試著了解你的意思,而不會挑你的錯 有些人覺得發音很重要Some think pronunciation is important 有些人覺得不太重要,你們覺得呢?Some people don’t think it’s important. What do you guys think? 1.美國(男) Pronunciation is not that important as long as the other person generally gets the idea of what you are saying.只要對方大致上能懂你想表達的意思,發音就不是那麼重要 I think it’s more important that people you know, try to use new words, try to use new phrases.比較重要的是大家要敢用新詞彙和新片語 Rather than being overly concerned about whether or not they are saying a word correctly.而不是一直擔心有沒有發的很標準 I mean eventually yeah sure, you want to learn how to pronunce words correctly but但是當然學久了你還是要想辦法唸標準一點 As long as you can communicate, I think that’s what matters most.但我覺得能跟別人溝通才是最重要的 2.德國(女) I think pronunciation is important.我覺得發音很重要 Because it’s easier for the listener if he doesn’t need to think all the time about what you wanna say.因為聽的人就不用很辛苦的去猜你到底想要講什麼 3.愛爾蘭(男) Ireland and England, we pronunce a lot of words the same way where as Americans, a lot of words, they both pronunce and spell differently.愛爾蘭跟英國很多字的唸法一樣,但美國那邊就很多字的唸法跟拼法都不同 But then American English tends to be the English that’s taught internationally, including here in Taiwan.但偏偏美國英文又是全球英語教學的指標,包括台灣 4.拉脫維亞(女) Pronunciation is super important because that’s something Chinese has taught me. If you can’t pronunce it correctly, no one’s gonna understand you.發音超重要的!我學中文的時候發現如果發音不準,根本沒人聽得懂你講什麼 5.英國(男) We have so many different accents and some of the London dialect some of the northern dialects and some of the western dialects for example.我們有很多不同的口音和方言,比如倫敦方言和一些北方及西方的不同方言 It can be like talking to somebody who doesn’t speak the same language as you.反而覺得很像你在跟其他國家的人聊天一樣 So I... thoroughly believe that pronunciation matters.所以我完全相信發音非常重要 6.波蘭(女) The most important part is being understandable.最重要的部份是「能被了解」 Because sometimes people are so focused on speaking words the correct way因為很多人很想把字詞唸對 and it blocks them. They prefer not to speak at all because they are afraid of making mistakes.這種想法反而讓他們更害怕去講一些他們覺得會唸錯的字 And I think that’s the problem which Asian people have like you are so afraid of making mistakes.我發現很多亞洲人真的很怕發音不對 7.美國(男) When I was growing up, I actually grew up around a lot of non native English speakers我從小身邊就是圍繞很多英文不是他們母語的人 and I don’t think pronunciation is important at all as long as I can make out what you are trying to say.只要我能猜到他們想講的意思,我覺得發音準不準就不是那麼重要 I’m trying to understand your meaning; I’m trying to communicate with you.我會試著了解你的意思因為我想跟你溝通 Puzzle out or try to pick out mistakes you are making as you are speaking to me.並不是想要你用英文跟我溝通的時候挑你的錯誤 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 範例 “I’m hungry.”男:我很餓 See! He is not “angry”. He is “hungry”.女:你看!他其實不是「生氣」,他是「很餓」。 Because French people tend to not pronunce “h” in front of a word.因為有些法國不太會唸h的音 So like when he’s hungry, he’ll say I’m angry.所以當他說他很餓,聽起來像他很氣~ So this is why pronunciation is so important.(這也就是為什麼發音非常重要) {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2015.12.31
職場 被問到「溺水只能救媽媽或女友」》猜猜看,哪幾個國家的人選「媽媽」? Who would you save?你會救誰? 1.宏都拉斯(救媽媽) I would save my mother, cuz she’s the one who’s always protected me somtimes and I’m very attached to her so.我會救我媽!因為她從小常常保護我,我們感情很好 2.澳洲(救不會游泳的) I would save whoever is the worst swimmer because obviously the other person has a better chance of saving themselves.我應該會救兩個中比較不會游泳的那個!因為比較會游的人生存機會高 3.美國(兩個都救) Go for both and hope it takes me out too because I wouldn’t be able to make it very much longer after that with the knowledge of whichever one I didn’t save.我會兩個都衝去救!希望這樣我也一起死!不然只救到一個我也還是會被怪死 4.希臘(救爸爸) I would probably save my father, because...我應該會救我老爸!因為... I think my husband would be able to save himself and he would help me to save my father also.我未來老公應該可以自救,也許還可以順便救我爸 5.愛沙尼亞(救媽媽) Probably save my mother應該救我媽吧 She’s the reason why I’m here and she’s done infinitely more for me.她帶我來到這個世界,還有她對我無限的愛 6.新加坡(救媽媽) Definitely I will rescue my mom一定救我媽 For my mom, she’s definitely...因為沒有我娘 The purpose of my life.哪會有我 7.法國(救爸爸) I would definitely save my dad because I mean you only get one.一定救我爸阿,因為爸爸只有一個 You can get another husband I know it sucks to say it like that, but老公可以再找,雖然這樣講很不好聽 I just have one dad and I love him so of course I will save him.我真的很愛我老爸所以我一定會救他 8.日本(救老婆) I save my wife and for our kids, I save my wife.為了小孩的將來,我會只救我老婆 9.馬來西亞(救男友) 我會先救我男朋友,因為我爸不在世了I’d save my boyfriend since my dad has passed away already. 可是我覺得如果我爸在世的話,我也是一樣選擇救我男朋友But if my dad’s still alive, I still would save my boyfriend instead. 而男朋友是我一直會走人生下半輩子的,因為我爸會一直都希望我開心I think my dad would want my boyfriend to take care the rest of my life. 10.馬來西亞(兩個都不救) 兩個都不救,因為I wouldn’t save either one 我不太會游泳,而且...I don’t know how to swim… 選擇性的東西都覺得很麻煩I hate the fact that I could only choose one. 11.波多黎各(救媽媽) If my future husband and my mother...如果我未來老公和老媽 ugh, I am gay我是同志 OH?! then your future husband!!!(喔!那就是你未來老公) Fall into water, I could only save one都掉到水裡,我只能救一個? Maybe my mother because I’ll think my husband has more possibilities to get out of the water by himself, since he’s younger, I hope, than my mom.應該救我媽,因為我覺得我未來老公應該有能力自救!因為他會比我媽年輕(我希望) {DS_BOX_14125} ... 2015.10.30