職場 別再鬧笑話!老外說Can you make room for me,不是要你給他一間房間 society pressures people not to see, hear or speak about... 2024.07.23
職場 朋友說Don't poke the bear,不是叫你「別戳那隻熊」!什麼意思? He's already upset about the delays, don't poke the... 2024.03.05
職場 老闆說Let's meet for a cup of coffee,不是在約你「一起喝咖啡」!什麼意思? 再來看一段對話: A: How do you like the dessert?... 2024.03.12
職場 老闆說Let’s take five,問他「要拿什麼」就糗了!不是叫大家去拿5樣東西 He knows how many beans make five. (X)他會一般的算數。... 2023.07.25