職場 老闆說cut it out,別誤以為老闆叫你切東西!你皮該繃緊了 Cut,我們熟悉的意思是「切」,但它其實是一個好用的多義詞,來補充幾個cut在口語中的應用: I better... 2024.08.13
職場 客戶聽完報告後「had a fit」是很滿意嗎?為何你可能慘了? Jack問他怎麼了,同事回答:The client had a fit when he found out... 2024.09.17
職場 公司聚餐喝酒,老闆說「Hit me again」打他就糟了!是什麼意思? out for lunch together, we really hit it off and had... 2023.09.19
職場 TOEIC時事通》蘋果宣布新一代Mac規格「groundbreaking」,不是說能打破地板 During our company visit, we had the opportunity to... 2023.06.10
職場 TOEIC時事通》馬斯克宣布今年辭去Twitter CEO,離職英文一次學 It’s better to make sure that you have had a new job... 2023.02.24
職場 職場英文》公司多年沒有balance the books,為何你該緊張? The job offer had some advantages, but on balance he... 2022.12.27