職場 慶祝人類登月50週年 》搞懂「歷史」英文,historic與historical用法差很大 After that, we'll have lunch at 12 o'clock at the Berkley... 2019.07.16
職場 「這很緊急請轉達!」英文怎麼說?打電話給國外客戶,說話不吃螺絲8大攻略 I suppose he will be back around 12 because we have... 2019.07.10
職場 配合對方行程說follow your schedule,外籍同事只想到被跟蹤...一次看懂「喬會議」的英文用法 (X)Can you delay the schedule to 10 o’clock?... 2018.10.31
職場 說"wait for you at twelve o'clock"是錯的!關鍵在「這個字」...... 所以很容易就講出"We'll wait for you at twelve o'clock."... 2017.02.20
職場 別再叫服務生waiter!去國外餐廳不用怕,從訂位到結帳英文用語懶人包 I would like to book a table for five at seven o’... 2016.03.03
職場 華航機上生子事件惹議》如果小孩被稱為anchor baby,為何有羞辱意味? His sister anchors the 7 o’clock evening news in Hong... 2015.11.10