職場 同事說That’s about the size of it,不是「尺寸就是這樣」 boss isn't just trying to cut you down to size, but actually... 2023.04.18
財經 一場演講、讓兩個靈魂相互輝映,李安致詞梁朝偉威尼斯終身獎全文 and the worst out of you, which for a director is actually... 2023.09.05
職場 夏日出遊露營車正夯,RV規格是什麼意思?從英文認識3種常見露營法 attendants’ job might seem glamorous, ________ it’s actually... 2022.08.03
職場 有人說I'm on a diet不一定是在減肥?168間歇斷食、生酮飲食英文該怎麼說? Some studies suggested that fasting can actually reduce... 2021.02.23
職場 商用英語》主管對員工說"Make a strong case ”,什麼意思? bit of a hardcase when you first meet him, but he's actually... 2020.10.19