職場 7個面試「中式英語」!我的personality很active直接大扣分 I'm going to open an account with another bank. ... 2025.02.18
職場 被老闆說You killed it別慌!其實他是在稱讚人?3個英文很道地的kill慣用語 I’m going to dress to kill for the event tomorrow.... 2024.10.01
職場 外國人說We had a wrinkle,不是在抱怨皺紋!聽到這句話代表他有麻煩了 What are we going to do about this wrinkle in the computer... 2024.09.25
減碳ESG 吳道揆導讀》只要投了錢就是「催化資本」?小心5個錯誤觀念讓你的錢用錯地方 . 2024. 5 Myths Preventing Catalytic Capital From Going... 2024.04.17
職場 老外說你full of beans,是什麼意思?不是在說你「腦袋都是豆子」 l It looked like the project was going to be approved... 2024.01.16