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take a rain check跟下雨沒關係!15個和「天氣」有關的英文片語一次學會

under the weather?在天氣下面要幹嘛?take a rain check?跟下雨天有什麼關係?
1. storm out 生氣地離開
Carol stormed out of the office in a rage.(卡蘿生氣地離開了辦公室。)
She stormed out of him and didn’t say anything.(他什麼都沒說,生氣地離開了。)
※補充:ride out a storm 渡過難關
You must work hard to ride out a storm.(你們必須努力工作以度過難關。)
2. under the weather 身體不適
If you know that he’s been under the weather, you might ask him how he’s feeling.(如果你知道他身體不適,你可以問問他感覺如何。)
Mr. Jones has been under the weather for quite a few days .(瓊斯先生身體不太舒服已經有好幾天了。)
※補充:Weather-beaten 飽經風霜的
3. weather the storm 度過難關
The other large economies will be harder hit, but should be able to weather the storm.(其他大經濟體受到打擊,但應該能夠安然度過這次風暴。)
4. get wind of 聽到風聲
有沒有覺得這句片語跟中文有點相似呢?這裡的wind指的是消息,所以get wind of就是聽到某個消息的意思。
The police got wind of the plans to rob the bank.(警察獲悉了搶劫銀行的計劃。)
How did you get wind of that terrific business deal?(你怎麼打聽到那筆好生意的?)
5. rain on my parade 破壞氣氛、潑冷水
I hate to rain on your parade, but your plans are all wrong.(我不想潑你冷水,但你的計畫完全是錯的。)
6. take a rain check 改期
I can’t play tennis this afternoon but can I take a rain check?(我今天下午不能打網球,下次再約好嗎?)
Can I take a rain check? I must get this finished tonight.(可以下次再約嗎?我今天必須把工作做完。)
7. calm before the storm 暴風雨前的寧靜
For most teachers, the days just before the school year begins are the calm before the storm.(對於大部分的老師,開學前幾天就像是暴風雨前的寧靜。)
8. on cloud nine 九霄雲上
He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.(他在比賽獲勝後欣喜若狂。)
9. steal his/her thunder 搶風頭
The businessman always steals his partner’s thunder by using his ideas.(這商人總是利用夥伴的點子,搶別人風頭。)
My partner stole my thunder when he told the professor that he did all the work on the presentation.(我的夥伴告訴教授他做了全部的簡報,搶盡我的風頭。)
10. take by storm 襲捲、征服
The play took the audience by storm.(該劇一下子就迷住了觀眾。)
The Beatles took the pop music world by storm.(披頭四合唱團著實讓流行音樂界為之傾倒。)
11. kick up a storm 製造騷動;惹人生氣
這個片語的意思跟 kick up a fuss 或 kick up a row 一樣,都是指引起騷動。
I kicked up such a storm that they told me to leave.(我製造了不少騷動,所以被要求離開了。)
12. in a fog 困惑、疑惑
I’ m in a complete fog about computer technology. I don ‘ t understand it at all .(我對電腦技術一竅不通,完全不懂啊!)
13. throw caution to the wind 不顧一切
Jane, who is usually cautious, threw caution to the wind and went swimming in the ocean.(Jane 是個小心謹慎的人,但這次她不顧一切,決定去海裡游泳。)
14. storm in a teacup 大驚小怪
Their quarrel was just a storm in a teacup .(他們的爭吵只是小題大作。)
15. twilight zone 兩者之間的模糊狀態、情況
twilight 指的是黃昏,有薄暮的時候,眼前霧霧的,所以當兩件事有 twilight zone 時,表示之間有模糊不清的狀態。
a twilight zone between good and evil(善與惡之間的模糊區域)
文 :Denise Peng

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