職場 | 英文學習

Bully最直接的聯想就是bull(公牛),我們說蓬勃的市場叫bull market(牛市),牛頭犬也就叫做bull dog。Bully一定就是負面嗎?
Bully pulpit
假如你以為bully只是欺負人,那就很難瞭解英文俚語裡有一個「bully pulpit」。Bully pulpit的解釋:an important job or position that someone can use to persuade other people to accept their ideas(指能提供機會闡明自己觀點的重要職位。)
例句:The presidency had been transformed from a bully pulpit on Pennsylvania Avenue to a stage the size of the world.(總統的職位已從賓州大街轉移到世界範圍的舞臺上去了。)
紐約時報專欄作家Maureen Dowd有一句話「The problem with the Bush administration is that its bully pulpit is all bully and no pulpit.(布希政府的毛病是百分之百強橫,百分之零講道理)。一句話點出了bully的兩層意思。
cyber-bully/workplace bully
上班的人經常報怨老闆苛刻?同事排擠?很多人說這些都是職場暴力的一部分,於是也出現workplace bully。
If the equivalent of the schoolyard bully is now sharing your cubicle or -- worse -- is your boss, you're not alone.(假如你在辦公室也有在校園被同學欺負的感受,你不是唯一有這樣感受的人。)
More than 1 in 3 workers report being bullied at work, according to a Zogby International poll. Nearly three-quarters of the bullies are in managerial positions. Executive coach Laura Crawshaw, author of "Taming the Abrasive Manager: How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace," has identified five signs that your boss is a bully. The signs include overreacting to situations, micromanaging others, acting in a superior and condescending way, humiliating employees in front of colleagues, and taking a threatening stance, as in, "It's my way or the highway."(根據採樣,有超過三分之一的人感受到辦公室暴力,霸凌者接近四分之三是主管。專家指出判斷老闆是不是欺負人的五項指標:過度反應、雞毛蒜皮的事也要管、頤指氣使,有優越感、在別的同事面前羞辱你,用威脅言語,像「照我的方式做,不然就滾蛋」這類的話。)
這個字是micro和manage的合體。Micro 是「微小」,manage是「管理」。 micromanage 就是用來形容人事必躬親,連一些雞毛蒜皮的小事情他都要指導你如何完成。
例句:My supervisor likes micromanaging everything in this office.(我的上司喜歡管任何微不足道的小事。)
It's my way or the highway.
常見的美國俚語,表面意思是我的路或是高速公路,意思是「要麼聽我的,要不就請走人」,用highway和my way押韻,增加趣味。
例句:After messing up his job, his boss told him "My way or the highway".(照我說的做,否則就請離開。)